Saturday, December 30, 2006

Skip It

Here are some tv shows I won't be watching this season:

Ego Trip's White Rapper Show - I like rap and I like white rappers. I really do. But people who talk, walk, and act like they're black when they're not black - well, I just want to smack some sense into them. I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of that on this show. There's nothing wrong with being white, people. Trying to act black just makes you look like Casper the Friendly Dork. Pass.

High Maintenance 90210 - looks to be a show where you get to watch employees being generally used and abused by their rich "high maintenance" employers. Do we really need another show featuring immature buttheads who have everything and appreciate nothing? And if so, doesn't Paris Hilton already more than fulfill that need for us?

The Surreal Life: Fame Game - Do we really need another show featuring immature buttheads who have everything and appreciate nothing?

Armed & Famous - Five D-list celebs are given badges and guns (guns!!!) and allowed to roam the streets of a town in Indiana as reserve police officers. Do we really need a show featuring innocent bystanders being shot to death by immature butthead celebrities? If it was the celebrities in danger of being shot, I might change my mind and watch this one. As it stands, I think I'll skip it.

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